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Using the Privileges Module

As an administrator, use the Privileges module to grant privileges to users, groups, and agencies, as well as to set up default privileges. Privileges define what information can be accessed, viewed, added, modified, deleted, or exported, based on the features of the software.

The Privileges module can also be used to create partitions of records. See the article "Setting Up Record Partitioning."

Groups can be used to quickly assign privileges to multiple users. See the article "Using the Groups Module."

To open the Privilege Scheme Search screen, from the Administration dashboard or the App Settings menu, select Privileges. See the article "Searching for Records."

Understanding privilege schemes

Privileges are stored as schemes. Only one privilege scheme can be active at a time, and the scheme must be activated before it affects the software.

Privileges in a scheme can be given at the following levels of users. Levels are listed from highest to lowest:
  • User: Sets privileges for a specific user.
  • Group: Sets privileges for users in a specific group.
  • Agency: Sets privileges for users in a specific agency.
  • Default: Sets privileges for all users. Also known as World privileges.
When a user attempts to perform an action in the system, the software looks at the active privilege scheme defined for that action, using the hierarchy list above. If a privilege definition for the level is found, then the software grants or revokes the privilege as directed. If a privilege definition is not found, then the software searches for the next level until a privilege definition is found.

It is recommended to set the Default level to revoke all privileges to all features, and then use the Agency and Group levels to grant most privileges. For exceptional scenarios, use the User level to grant privileges to specific users.

Using the Agency and Group levels simplifies the process of granting privileges. For example, if a new dispatch employee needs privileges, then the employee can be added to the Dispatch group and automatically have the same privileges as the other dispatchers.

Related Articles:
"Adding a Privilege Scheme"

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