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Searching for Records

To search for a record:
  1. From the appropriate menu, select the record type. For example, to search for a Name record, select Records > Names.
    The Search screen opens. The Results area displays all records available for that record type.
  2. In the Filters area, enter your search criteria. The fields available depend on the record type selected. To clear your search criteria, click Clear.
  3. To customize the search fields displayed, click the Gear icon. A list of applicable fields is displayed. Select or clear the check box for a field. Selected fields are displayed on the page.
  4. To change the search options for a field, click the field label. A list of available search options appears. Select the check box for the search option. For some fields, a Range level can be selected. Only one Range level can be selected at a time. For more information, see "Searching Using Additional Search Options." 
  5. Click Search. The Results area displays all matching records.
  6. To sort the results, click a column header. Columns can be sorted in ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) order. To change the sorting order, click the column header again.

    NOTE: Not all columns can use the sort feature.

  7. To view the next page of results, click the Forward button. To navigate to a previous page, click the Back button. To navigate to a specific page, click the page number.
  8. To change the columns displayed, click the Gear icon. A list of applicable columns appears. Select or clear the check box for a column. Selected columns display on the page.

    TIP: The Results area can be customized before a search is performed.

  9. To view a record, click the record. The record opens.
  10. To return to the Search screen, click the Return to Search link.
Related Articles:

"Searching Using Wildcard Characters"
"Searching Using Search Options"
"Understanding Field Types on Search Screens"
"Examples of Searching"

For field descriptions of each Search screen, see the "Fields on the Search Screen" article for the desired screen. For example, "Fields on the Name Search Screen." 

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