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Incident records are included in Clery reports based on information entered in the Incident screen. Therefore, the following fields in the Incident screen must be completed for Clery reports:
- Occurred Between: Enter the date and time the incident began.
- Clery Location Type: Select the Clery location type for the incident. If the Clery location type is Clery - Off-Campus - Not Adjacent/Affiliated, then the Incident record is not reported. If the Clery location type is Clery - Unknown Location, then the Incident record is reported, but the status of the Incident record is invalid.
- Disposition: Select a disposition for the incident. The disposition selected determines how the Incident record is categorized.
- Clearance: Select a clearance for the incident.
- Offenses area: Click the Add icon to add an offense to the incident, and then enter information about the offense. Multiple offenses can be added. To remove an offense, click the Remove icon.
- Is this incident Dating or Domestic Violence related?: In the Additional Reporting Details area, select one of the following options: No, Dating Violence, or Domestic Violence.
- Bias Motivation: In the Criminal Circumstances area, select the biases used as motivation for the crime.