Using the Domestic Violence Area in the Clery Report Screen
For an Incident record to be displayed in this area, it must have any disposition except Unfounded, and one of the following Offense codes:
- 09A Homicide - Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter
- 09B Homicide - Negligent Manslaughter
- 11A Sex Offense - Forcible Rape
- 11B Sex Offense - Forcible Sodomy
- 11C Sex Offense - Assault with Object
- 11D Sex Offense - Forcible Fondling
- 36A Sex Offense - Incest
- 36B Sex Offense - Statutory Rape
- 13D Stalking
- 120 Robbery (all types)
- 13A Assault - Aggravated (all types)
- 220 Burglary (all types)
- 240 Theft Vehicle (all types)
- 200 Arson
- 35A Drug Possession and Drug Sale/Manufacture
- 35B Drug Equipment/Paraphernalia
- 90G Alcohol/Liquor Law Violations (all types)
- 520 Weapon Offense (all types)
- 280 Stolen Property/Vehicle (all types)
- 290 Vandalism
- 13B Assault - Simple (all types)
- 13C Assault - Intimidation/Threatening (all types)
- 23A Theft Property - Pickpocket
- 23B Theft Property - Purse Snatching
- 23C Theft Property - Shoplifting
- 23D Theft Property - From Building
- 23E Theft Property - From Coin Machine
- 23F Theft Property - From Motor Vehicle
- 23G Theft Property - Vehicle Parts
- 23H Theft Property - Aircraft/Bicycle/Other