Using the Criminal Offenses Area in the Clery Report Screen
For an Incident record to be displayed in this area, it must have a disposition other than Unfounded, and one of the following Offense codes:
- 09A Homicide - Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter
- 09B Homicide - Negligent Manslaughter
- 11A Sex Offense - Forcible Rape
- 11B Sex Offense - Forcible Sodomy
- 11C Sex Offense - Assault with Object
- 11D Sex Offense - Forcible Fondling
- 36A Sex Offense - Incest
- 36B Sex Offense - Statutory Rape
- 13D Stalking
- 120 Robbery (all types)
- 13A Assault - Aggravated (all types)
- 220 Burglary (all types)
- 240 Theft Vehicle (all types)
- 200 Arson
- Classification: Displays the Clery Offense category that the incident will be reported in, based on the Offense codes in the Incident record.