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Completing the Booking Tab

Each tab on the left side of the Inmate Check List screen contains applicable information for creating a new booking record. It is recommended that you start with the Booking tab and move through them in order.

Use the Booking tab on the Inmate Check List screen to add booking information and any holds related to the Inmate record.
  1. After you have involved a Name to the Inmate record, the Inmate Check List screen appears with the Booking tab selected.

  2. Enter the necessary information under Booking and Holds. (Note: All fields with a yellow background are required to complete the Inmate Check List.)

  3. If the area does not currently display fields, simply click the green Plus Sign icon to expand the area. The area expands to display the applicable fields.

  4. Enter the Information for that area.

  5. If you need to add an additional record to that area, click the green Plus Sign icon again. The area expands to include an additional set of applicable fields.

  6. You can also delete any of the entries by clicking the red Minus Sign icon next to the entry.

  7. When you have finished entering as much information as possible, do one of the following:

    • Click the Save button.

    • Click the Arrest/Offenses tab to continue completing the Inmate Check List. For instructions, see Completing the Arrest/Offenses Tab. (Note: If you click a new tab without saving, the application will display a warning prompting you to either SaveContinue Without Saving, or Cancel.)

    Note: Clicking the Complete check box at the top of the tab will change the tab to Green to be easily identified as completed. If you move on without checking Complete, the tab will be displayed as Yellow to be easily identified as modified, but not complete.

    Note: After saving, you can finish at any time by simply clicking Finish.

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