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Printing a UCR Report

You can print a UCR Report for your files or distribute as needed. You can print select monthly UCR reports, and it is recommended that you use the Landscape print setting instead of the Portrait setting.


To print a UCR Report:

  1. From the Nova Dashboard, click the UCR Reports option under the Reports drop-down menu.

  2. From the UCR Report Search screen, search for the record you want to print. For instructions, see Searching for a UCR Record.

  3. Select the UCR Reporting Period record to open the Detail View.

  4. Click the UCR Report link you want to print. UCR Report options include:

  5. Return A

  6. Supplement to Return A

  7. Age, Sex, Race of Persons Arrested

  8. Age, Sex, Race of Persons Arrested - Juvenile

  9. Supplementary Homicide

  10. Monthly Arson

  1. Click the Print button. The application opens the record in a printable format. Depending on your browser settings, it may open in a new window or in a new tab.

  2. Use the browser's print function to print the record.

  3. Click the Return button to return to the record.

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